Diagnostic Client Library Requirements

The following software requirements are derived from ISO 22900-2 2022 (Diagnostic protocol data unit(D-PDU API)) and Adaptive AUTOSAR Diagnostic Specification 21-11

REQ: DiagClientLib-Library-Support

Diagnostic client library shall be used as a shared or static library. Diagnostic client library shall be easily linkable with any executable and shall be ready to use.

REQ: DiagClientLib-DoIP-Support

Diagnostic client library only provide support for DoIP(Diagnostic Over IP) as a diagnostic communication protocol for sending diagnostic request to Diagnostic Servers.

REQ: DiagClientLib-MultipleTester-Connection

Diagnostic client library shall support creation of multiple diagnostic logical connection towards a single ECU or towards multiple ECUs. Each of these connection is known as Diagnostic Client Conversation.

REQ: DiagClientLib-ComParam-Settings

Diagnostic client library shall support setting of diagnostic communication protocol parameter value via JSON file. In this case ComParam of DoIP protocol shall be configured via JSON file provided. A set of ComParams can be used to individually define communication to a single ECU or a functional group of ECUs.

REQ: DiagClientLib-Construction

Diagnostic client library shall provide an API to construct an instance of Diagnostic Client Library with specific settings(ComParam etc).

REQ: DiagClientLib-Destruction

Diagnostic client library shall provide an API to destruct the already created instance of Diagnostic Client Library.

REQ: DiagClientLib-Initialization

Diagnostic client library shall provide an API to initialize the library during start-up phase.

REQ: DiagClientLib-DeInitialization

Diagnostic client library shall provide an API to de-initialize the library and stop all the internal processing during shutdown phase.

REQ: DiagClientLib-VehicleDiscovery

Diagnostic client library shall provide an API to send vehicle identification request to all the ECU within the network and receive vehicle identification response.

REQ: DiagClientLib-Conversation-Construction

Diagnostic client library shall provide an API to construct the Diagnostic Client Conversation instance required for logical connection towards single or multiple ECUs.

REQ: DiagClientLib-Conversation-Destruction

Diagnostic client library shall provide an API to destruct the existing Diagnostic Client Conversation instance.

REQ: DiagClientLib-Conversation-StartUp

Diagnostic client library shall provide an API to start the Diagnostic Client Conversation instance.

REQ: DiagClientLib-Conversation-Shutdown

Diagnostic client library shall provide an API to shut down the Diagnostic Client Conversation instance.

REQ: DiagClientLib-Conversation-Connect

Diagnostic client library shall provide an API for establishing diagnostic logical connection towards single or multiple ECUs.

REQ: DiagClientLib-Conversation-Disconnect

Diagnostic client library shall provide an API to disconnect the diagnostic logical connection towards single or multiple ECUs.

REQ: DiagClientLib-Conversation-DiagRequestResponse

Diagnostic client library shall provide an API to send diagnostic request towards the connected ECU/ECUs and receive diagnostic response and provide back the diagnostic response to the user.